On trouvera maintenant le contenu de mon post expliquant comment jutilise les médias sociaux dans mes cours à l’université à cette adresse  (ISSN 2386-8562)
Ce travail est la pré-impression d’un article dans le numéro 58 de RED. Il sera publié en tant que contribution d’invité, de type «histoire personnelle dans le domaine de la recherche éducative» (Personal History as Educational Research).

Same paper in Spanish


Je me tiens à la disposition de toute équipe de recherche en sciences de l’éducation ou pédagogie pour aider à analyser les données produites par mes deux cours #UOAC (en anglais) et #UOIM (en français). Ces données consistent en Tweets, Moments et Blogposts. Tous les moments et Blogposts ont été publiés sur Twitter avec les hashtags correspondants.

Un article dans Quartier Libre (Journal des étudiants de l’Université de Montréal):

Moments (choix personnel de tweets) issus de mes cours de l’automne 2016

Mon cours de cent étudiants de deuxième année à l’hiver 2017: #uotm17

Choix de Storifys ou Moments de mes étudiants de 2016 (travail en cours, plus à venir):

A unique experience

How free are we?” C’est beau comme un poème soufi !

Choix de blogposts de mes étudiants témoignant de l’efficacité de la méthode “Twitter en Classe” (travail en cours, plus à venir)

Le meilleur cours de toute ma vie

prendre des notes en Tweetant“!

Voyage au monde des médias

Le système est simple, mais efficace.

Twitter et la mémoire collective

Les tweets nous permettaient de nous remémorer les sujets discutés en classe presque dans leur intégralité.

Un cours qui a changé ma perception de l’apprentissage

Innover pour enseigner

“Le cours de CMN 1560 a été un de mes cours préférés lors du trimestre d’automne 2016. Mon professeur M. Pierre Lévy a véritablement changé la façon d’apprendre la matière du cours. La grande majorité des étudiants ont bien apprécié le cours. Vers la fin du trimestre, j’ai vu beaucoup de tweets exprimant comment agréables que les étudiants ont trouvés le cours. Nous utilisons les médias sociaux, spécifiquement Twitter pour faire une prise de notes collectives. Effectivement, je pourrais toujours, comme n’importe qui, accéder à la matière qui m’a été enseignée durant mon cours grâce au #uoim sur Twitter. Ici je peux retrouver tout les notes, les questions, et les remarques ou commentaires que les étudiants ont tweetés en relation avec le contenu du cours. Cet élément interactif du cours a intéressé plusieurs étudiants et rendait la matière plus fascinante. Personnellement, j’ai bien aimé assister aux séances en classe, je ne les trouvais pas du tout ennuyantes 

This course, Advanced theories of communication, was like none other that I had ever taken.

The potential of Twitter for education

Collective intelligence in the classroom

I have learned to use the media that are at my fingertips

Communication happened

Becoming an autonomous thinker

what more professors should do nowadays to make their courses more interactive and stimulating

6 Things I Learned From Pierre Levy

“When we started the class and the professor told us to only take notes via twitter, I was very skeptical. I did not want to have an open mind towards his new method of teaching despite the fact that I am considered to be part of the millennials generation and you know we are known for our excessive use of technology”

From the blogpost of Cindi Cai ” Moreover, this advanced theory of communication not only taught me how to be a good speaker, but also in the class, I learnt how to be a good listener. For example, in the class, the professor encouraged students to participate in the class Q&A section by twittering through the internet, which allows every single student to have a chance to ask questions, and at the same time also encourage students to listen to other students’ ideas toward the subject. We, as students in the class just need to focus on the speech that the professor have given to the students, and catch the content in which we have questions, doubts, and raise our questions by twittering in order to get answers from the professor, while the professor also need to listen to students opinion by checking out the course tag.  For doing so, students have equal chances to listen and get their answers from the professor, and also students get an opportunity to listen to or inspired from other students’ learning stories( storify, blog post ).This teaching method is very interesting to me, because as a university student, what I want from the university is not just a piece of degree certificate, but also an opportunity to develop the ability to think extensively, solve problems, and challenge myself. To be honest, before I took this class, I was so tired of university, because I found that every single class I took at the University of Ottawa was really boring, and most students included me was more like machine, though we kept going to every class, and studied hard, we just wanted a better grade, and after exams or assignments, we just simply forgot what we have learnt in the class. This situation made me feel nervous and I started to doubt my university life and wonder if university could really help me in my future development?

Luckily, the CMN 3109 class strongly changed my mind toward university, because in the class, under the unique teaching method of the professor, I realized that if I just focus on grades, there’s a strong possibility that I won’t be as prepared for the world outside of university. But if I focus on learning as much as I can, and engage with all the opportunities presented by the class, I will be in a much better position to thrive after I graduate. It is just like how those communication techniques inspired me to how to be a better yoga instructor, this course has truly encouraged me to build my knowledge of the whole communication process, and rebuild my confidence to prepare for my future yoga teacher career positively….”